Now looks like this...
Why? Because Emme's chompers have been doing this...
This girl already had 7 teeth in her mouth when she started unexpectedly waking up in pain at night, and gnawing on everything in sight. Seriously? Then one day while I was tickling her upside down I discovered she'd cut a molar way in back. So we're assuming this molar is to blame for the devastation that has occurred to our crib. Cursed molars!
Shut up! That is horrible! Poor girl.
Owen is going through the same thing. He is so sad and grumpy! His gums are swelling and he is a mess.
I will have to keep an eye on our crib. :)
I did the SAME THING to my family's pristine heirtage crib when I was a baby! Ruined it. My mom was devastated at the time, because it had been in perfect shape prior to that, the three kids older than me in our family and all the generations prior. And then Naughty, Naughty Emily was born...
She got over it, but she also found some plastic thing that snapped over the top of the sides of the crib so when I gnawed I was gnawed on the plastic (which didn't work) rather than the crib. Also, you can try putting something (baby safe but) bad tasting on the crib, like for dogs there is something called sour apple spray... it's safe but it's really sour. You put it on things you don't want them to chew on when they're puppies.
Few thoughts. Hope something helps!
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