Friday, September 7, 2012

First Day of Gymnastics

Emme missed the deadline for preschool since her birthday isn't until November, so we decided to do a gymnastics class this fall. She is such a social little thing that she just craves playdates with other kids. Every morning when she wakes up she asks me where we are going that day and who we are going to play with.

So gymnastics it was.  We did a trial class last May and loved it, but I decided to wait out all the summer festivities and start her this fall. The first day of gymnastics did not have come soon enough. She talked about it all summer long! Finally when the day came she actually got a little nervous, which is out of character for Emme. Maybe we just talked it up too much? On the way there Emme said to me in the car, "Mom, I a little feared about my gymanstics class. Is Sawyer going to be there?"  (Sawyer is her friend who took gymnastics last fall.) We talked it over and I told her she had nothing to be scared about, that her class was just for fun!

And of course once we got there she forgot all about me watching her through the glass because she was having so much fun. They do a great job at The Little Gym. She is loving her class and looks forward to it every week!

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