A few weeks ago Emme and I went to St. George with my parents, and Brent & Melissa and their kids for a little getaway. Chris stayed home to work and finish projects around the house. (Can I just say that I'm loving being unemployed so far? Vacations on a whim -- yes, please!)
We picked up Stu along the way at the Chevron in Beaver. He was on his way back from Mexico with some cousins and we crossed paths. Emme was soooo excited to see her uncle Stu...even though she doesn't look it in this photo.

One day we decided to drive down to Vegas and go shopping at Caesar's Palace. We shopped at H&M (they have fabulous maternity clothes and kids clothes) and ate lunch at Cheesecake Factory. Emme and the other kiddos LOVED the aquarium.

On the way home from Vegas, I kept Brent awake while he drove (just like a loyal co-pilot should) and everyone else crashed in the back seat. The perks of being pregnant and green all the time are that you get shotgun more often!

My mom woke up for this one, but at one point all six of them back there were out cold.

We hit up the nearby splashpad multiple times while we were there. The kiddos loved it! I'm seriously going to start a petition to get Cottonwood Heights to put one in somewhere. They are so much fun.

Emme was a little nervous at first, because the water shoots with a lot of force.

But after Grandpa showed her what it felt like, she was good to go.

Her most favorite part was laying down in the water canyons to cool off.

Look at these cute kiddos! They had so much fun together.

We also went swimming at the Snow Canyon pool, but our adventure was cut short when they had a "code brown" alert, and had to kick us all out of the water while they fished it out with a net. Yuck.

One morning I woke up to uncle Stu and Emme watching an episode of Recess (a cartoon) on his ipod that he had jimmy-rigged to sit on the bunk above his head. She loved it.

We had such a good time in St. George! Thanks Mom and Dad for taking us down there. Emme still asks me almost every day where Brent is. She fell in love with him one day when he sang her the entire intro to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, complete with the mickey voice and all. It was hilarious, and clearly she hasn't forgotten him. :)
When Emme and I came home, we discovered that Chris had cleaned the ENTIRE house top to bottom. I kid you not, the man cleaned both showers, scrubbed baseboards and toilets, swept and mopped, vacuumed, etc. I have the best hubby in the world, who picks up the slack when I'm sick and can't stay on top of it. We love you, Chris! I think Emme and I should go on vacation more often!!