Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas Eve

Here are a few leftover pics from Christmas that my sister-in-law Melissa sent to me. Can ya tell I wasn't very good at taking pictures this year? Thanks Melissa!

We spent Christmas Eve with my mom's side of the family. We did our big Norwegian dinner with lots of food that I love/Chris hates. We all wear our Norwegian (itchy - according to Chris) sweaters, read the Christmas story, eat dinner, eat dessert, open a present from Santa that he leaves on the doorstep, and then eat some more dessert. Aren't Norwegians great? Two desserts! Who'd'a thought?

Here's a picture of Chris and I in our sweaters.

During the first dessert, we have bowls of pudding (either rice or chocolate pudding) that we pass around the table as we sing a Christmas carol. When the song ends we eat the pudding in front of us and if you find the hidden almond in your bowl of pudding, you win a prize! Here is a picture of us passing our pudding. Chris was trying to lick each bowl and claim them all so he would win by default...or something?

And here is a picture of me finding the almond!


The Whitney's said...

That looks awesome. Tell Kelli that is the only type of sweater I would wear. Jer.

V said...

I love your traditions!! How did I never hear about these while growing up?

How can I become Norwegian? =)