Have you heard of Babysteals.com? It's a fun mommy/baby oriented website that features a new deal every day at 9 am, and the items are always at least 50% off retail. It happens to be a Salt Lake based company, so when I ordered something a few weeks ago for Emme, I chose in-store pickup since they're local.
When I walked in their store to pick up my purchase, I had Emme with me. The people at Babysteals couldn't get over how cute Emme was. She's such a flirt these days, and she smiles and coos to anyone who smiles at her.
One of the ladies there happened to be the photographer for their website, and the mother of the woman who owns Babysteals. She asked me if they could take some pictures of Emme for their website, modeling some of their upcoming baby gear. So I of course said yes. She's up on their website today! She's modeling the ErgoBaby changing pad. You can go check it out HERE.
She'll probably be up a few more times in the next few weeks, modeling a few other things they put her in while we were there last week. And they took down my information so they can call me for more baby-modeling-gigs when they get new merchandise in. :)

Of course she is famous! Just look at her!:)
AWWW, so cute! Like Rach said... Of course she is famous! Destiny I tell you! Too cute!
Now that didn't take her long to get her first modeling gig. SO cool! I am not surprised!!!
blue steel? magnum? I can't tell....
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