Only if you're 9 months pregnant and you have one pair of flats that barely fits your swollen feet (and they happen to be red) and you've exhausted your supply of maternity shirts that go with red shoes (and still cover your belly) by going to showers in the last week or so.
So yeah, pink goes with red today.
In other news, lots of people have been dying to hear the name we've chosen and see the final nursery pictures! We have chosen a name and we have put it up on the wall in the nursery, which is finally finished! But you're going to have to have patience, people. I've gotta have something to blog about next week while I twiddle my thumbs and wait for this baby to make her appearance, right?
Pregnancy Statistics
How far along? 39w1d
Gender: Girl
Current Cravings: Milky Ways and rootbeer
Weight gain: +35 lbs
Worst moment this week: Finding out I'm still not dilated at all. :( And the bad news about Michelley's knee was even worse.
Best moment this week #1: Had a girls night with Jules on Saturday and got a makeover. Nothing better than having someone do your makeup for you! It was delightful.
Best moment this week #2: Got to see the Bambina via ultrasound again this week!
Funniest moment this week: I stumbled across a website having a sale on Twilight paraphernalia. I excitedly bought myself a t-shirt...and then realized later that, duh, I actually need a maternity Twilight t-shirt! I'm so excited to not be pregnant anymore that I forgot I was still pregnant. (I guess I'll let Jules & Amy fight over who gets to wear it to the premeire...)
Belly button in or out: Out.
Labor signs: 80% effaced and at a -2 station.
What I miss: Driving a car comfortably.
What I'm looking forward to: Only 1 more day of work! I've got tons of crafty projects lined up next week to keep me occupied.
At the non-stress test on Tuesday, the technician was measuring my amniotic fluid levels with the ultrasound machine when she moved the wand down by the baby's face and exclaimed, "oh, look at her cute pouty lips!" She couldn't get over how cute the baby's lips are, and just kept showing them to me over and over. This girl's definitely got her mama's lips!
It was really fun to get to see her face, because she's always had her hand in the way before. (The rogue hand was still there, just by the side of her face this time.) She printed me a picture, which blurred a little when she froze the machine. But I drew a diagram over it so you can see what you're looking at. Hopefully it helps you view it, because it's stinkin' cute!
Everytime I go for an ultrasound, Chris reminds me "have them check to make sure it's still a girl!" He's got this paranoid nightmare that she's going to surprise us come out a boy and that we'll force him to wear all these pink clothes because, gosh darn it, they were expensive!
The technician checked for me this week...and she's still a girl. :)
Any color goes with any color when you are pregnant! Hang in there! You still look awesome to me.
Oh and sorry about the last email. I accidently pushed the reply and send buttons. UMMMM....I am pregnant. (it is my best excuse)
you look too cute!!!! :) seriously!! youre make an expectant mama lookin' reeeeeeal good!!! :)
I LOVE the ultrasound of her face! So dang cute! Can't wait to meet her...
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