Thursday, April 22, 2010

New Toys

Emme just can't get enough of her new toys these days.

The tongue:

The toes:

The pink poodle:
{She won't let go of that thing...even in her sleep.}

The jumperoo:

I just can't get enough of watching her learn and grow and play. It's so fascinating! And it makes me happy to see her so happy, especially with toys like the jumperoo. (Who are these geniuses that work for Fisher Price anyway? I'd like to give 'em a big smack right on the lips!)


Melissa Henning said...

That put a huge smile on my face! Shes just so adorable (I think that might be the only thing I ever say to comment with on your blog and so darn stinkin' cute!

Emily Heizer Photography said...

Awww, happy girl! :) She's so stinkin' cute!