Sunday, October 31, 2010


(Oh my, I can't believe I forgot to get this last Halloween post up!)

On Halloween we took some obligatory adorable photos on the front porch, and then we went to visit all the grandmas we hadn't seen yet.

Emme sat on everyone's laps and jabbered about the dog and the pumpkin. There was such excitement in a new place, with so many new things to explore!

{Grandma Jean with Emmeline Jean}

{Lynne, Emme, Grandpa}

Then we went to Grandma Pace's house to trick or treat. (The lame-o parents forgot her pumpkin bucket. We're obviously n00bs at this whole trick-or-treat thing.)

{Emme pounding on the great big door}

{Grandma and her ducky}

Emme spied grandma's buckets of candy and couldn't help herself. She's saying "ooooh" in this picture -- so cute!
{"Ooooh, candies!" Nom, nom, nom.}

{"Maybe no one will notice if I just take one."}

{"Okay, maybe just two..."}

{"Can't resist. Must. Have. All."}

At the end of the night we pried two soggy, completely melted candy bars (still in their wrappers, mind you) from her little fists so we could go home. Shhh! Don't tell her there's stuff inside that tastes good! We're keeping that secret as long as possible.

{Halloween 2010}

1 comment:

Emily Heizer Photography said...

She's the cutest duckie ever! Have you read the book "Make Way for Ducklings"? She's still too little for it (I think, it's been a long time since I've read it so it's hard for me to evaluate the age-appropriateness factor)but it's a book all about a family of ducks in central park! :) And it won a caldacot award I believe! Lots of big illustrations too.