Thursday, June 30, 2011

Emme's New Trick + Some Exciting News

A few weeks ago Chris came home from work and Emme & I showed him an exciting new trick we'd been practicing for two days. I think Chris was a little confused at first, but then he got the idea.

At the end of the video right before I snap the camera off he comes up to give me a big kiss and congratulate me. So sweet!

We are so, so excited for this new little addition! Emme still gets confused and tries to lift up my shirts and look for a baby in my stomach. I'm guessing she'll figure it out in a few weeks here.

{Love this expression}

We went to the doctor this week and got to see the little bean up close. It was moving around and waving its arms and legs like crazy. What a relief to see!

I'm with a new doctor this time around because my insurance has changed, and the first thing my doctor said when she walked in the room was, "How about we work toward the goal of a better labor than last time!?" I about kissed her on the mouth. We're going to be great friends, I can already tell.

So when is this little one due? Drumroll, please. As long as my doctor is on call that day, my induction is tentatively being planned for January 21, 2012! That'll bring our family tally to:

Annalisa - October 21
Emmeline - November 21
Chris - December 21
Little Bean - January 21

For now we're looking forward to only a few more weeks of morning sickness, and then a happy, healthy pregnancy!


laurieb145 said...

Ohhh Congratulations!! You have such a beautiful family!!

Ali said...

Very exciting!! Congratulations to you all!

Melanie said...

Aah yay!!! Congrats! This baby is sure to be just as beautiful. Can't wait to meet him or her. And yes, I hope your 2nd delivery goes better too. I just re-read your birth story and I can't believe what a crazy experience you had. Definitely hoping for a nice, uneventful pregnancy and delivery for you!

Dasha said...


Unknown said...

Congrats!!! And such a cute way to tell Chris :)

kevin said...

Congratulations. Our children are going to be born almost at the same time, crazy.

Cora - November 24, 2009
Baby #2 - January 23, 2011

Nurse Heidi said...

That's great news!!! Congrats!

Natalie said...


Allison and Josh said...

What a fun way to tell your husband! Congrats to you and your cute little family!

Lara said...


Jess said...

Ohh Congrats! It is so fun with two! This must be one of the things you have plans for in the future?! That is very exciting!

The Martin Family said...

The 21st AGAIN!??? Man, you should be on the news or something. Or get free diapers! Congrats again to your super cute family!

V said...

Hooray!!! That's wonderful news Anna! I'm so exciting for you guys. Hope the morning sickness is abating.