Friday, May 29, 2009
Bathroom Update
Here's another bathroom update. It's looking much improved over the last time I posted. Chris moved all of the electrical, added the extra outlets I asked for, and installed a new ventilation fan. Then the walls were sheetrocked, mudded and sanded, the tile was put in, the cabinet box was installed, the counter was templated and granite will go in tomorrow.
We've just gotta get it painted, and then get our cabinet guy and plumber back for the finishes. We're so close! I can't wait to sit in that tub. It's calling my name...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Memorial Day Weekend Part 1
Over the holiday weekend Chris and I went down to St. George with my parents and my married and unmarried siblings & such. We stayed in my grandpa's house and had a good time. We waterskiied, shopped, ate, got pedicures, watched movies and had a good time.

On Sunday we went to church and then we toured the visitor's center near the temple, as well as Brigham Young's winter home.

My little brother Stuart realized he'd forgotten his Sunday clothes, and was prepared to go to church in cargo shorts and a t-shirt, when my brother Daniel suggested he just wear some of my 90-year old grandpa's Sunday clothes from his closet. Here's a picture of both Stuart and Tucker fitting into my grandpa's Sunday pants. This was quite possibly the highlight of the trip for everyone except Tucker.
On Sunday we went to church and then we toured the visitor's center near the temple, as well as Brigham Young's winter home.
My little brother Stuart realized he'd forgotten his Sunday clothes, and was prepared to go to church in cargo shorts and a t-shirt, when my brother Daniel suggested he just wear some of my 90-year old grandpa's Sunday clothes from his closet. Here's a picture of both Stuart and Tucker fitting into my grandpa's Sunday pants. This was quite possibly the highlight of the trip for everyone except Tucker.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Taylor Swift Concert
(Oh my gosh, I'm a huge blog slacker. But I will be catching up in the next few days, I promise!)
Last night Amy and I went to the Taylor Swift concert! We sat on the 6th row on the floor and it was amazing! The highlight for me was watching how excited Amy was about it. At one point after Amy touched Taylor's hand, I made her sit down for a second because I thought she was going to hyperventilate! It was cute.
Taylor Swift put on a fantastic show. She's very theatrical and energetic, and she had dancers and actors out on the stage for some songs, acting things out. She also had short video clips up on the screens while she did her costume changes, that were hilarious. Like videos of her band acting out her songs. So funny. Amy and I made a pact that next time she comes to Salt Lake, we're going again! (With Michelley, too!)

Taylor's guitarist kept winking and smiling at Amy and I. We caught not one, but two guitar picks from him.

Taylor had 8 outfits on throughout the course of the show, including a Utah Jazz jersey (see video at the bottom).
I love this picture! She has such a wild and crazy personality. She really puts on a good show!
She played the piano...

This was our favorite outfit that she wore. Love those boots!

After she played for the crowd in the back and walked up the aisle giving hugs, the crowd gave her the loudest standing ovation I've ever heard. She stood on the stage like this while she took it all in. Then she told us that "she would never forget that, Salt Lake."

This is Amy reaching up and touching Taylor's hand! I kept pushing her closer and closer so she could reach it.

This is Amy's face after she touched Taylor's hand and I made her sit down.

Oh, and this is the mean security guard that kept putting his hand on Amy's stomach and pushing her back away from the stage. Yeah, that's right, I'm taking a picture of you, pal.

Taylor's encore when she came back out wearing a Utah Jazz jersey and the crowd went wild.
And the grand finale. Water is involved.
Last night Amy and I went to the Taylor Swift concert! We sat on the 6th row on the floor and it was amazing! The highlight for me was watching how excited Amy was about it. At one point after Amy touched Taylor's hand, I made her sit down for a second because I thought she was going to hyperventilate! It was cute.
Taylor Swift put on a fantastic show. She's very theatrical and energetic, and she had dancers and actors out on the stage for some songs, acting things out. She also had short video clips up on the screens while she did her costume changes, that were hilarious. Like videos of her band acting out her songs. So funny. Amy and I made a pact that next time she comes to Salt Lake, we're going again! (With Michelley, too!)
Amy and I before we left for the concert. My belly sort of popped over the weekend, so I'm starting to outgrow normal clothes. Flowy dresses, here we come!
Amy's face in the car on the way there, as she held the tickets.
Taylor's first song. Look how close we were! She came out in a marching band outfit and then ripped it off and this sequinny number was underneath.
Taylor singing Fearless.
Taylor's guitarist kept winking and smiling at Amy and I. We caught not one, but two guitar picks from him.
Taylor had 8 outfits on throughout the course of the show, including a Utah Jazz jersey (see video at the bottom).
I love this picture! She has such a wild and crazy personality. She really puts on a good show!
She played the piano...
She did a number on the drums...
And she did a few songs with just her guitar way at the back of the stadium.
This was our favorite outfit that she wore. Love those boots!
After she played for the crowd in the back and walked up the aisle giving hugs, the crowd gave her the loudest standing ovation I've ever heard. She stood on the stage like this while she took it all in. Then she told us that "she would never forget that, Salt Lake."
This is Amy reaching up and touching Taylor's hand! I kept pushing her closer and closer so she could reach it.
This is Amy's face after she touched Taylor's hand and I made her sit down.
Oh, and this is the mean security guard that kept putting his hand on Amy's stomach and pushing her back away from the stage. Yeah, that's right, I'm taking a picture of you, pal.
Taylor's encore when she came back out wearing a Utah Jazz jersey and the crowd went wild.
And the grand finale. Water is involved.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Chris's Graduation
Chris walked at his MBA graduation last Friday at the U. I couldn't be more proud of him. He's so great at everything he does! He looked so handsome in his fancy gown and hood. The PMBA program even bought all of the graduating students fresh leis, flown in from Hawaii. It was a fun and festive occasion. Congratulations, Chris! I love you!

Here's the Dean, giving introductions.
All of the Masters students on the floor and undergrads across the stadium.
Friday, May 8, 2009
12 Week Ultrasound Pics
Here are the pictures from our 12 week ultrasound on Tuesday. The baby looks good and is measuring right on track. When the tech first found the baby on the screen, he** was kicking and moving like crazy. The tech even sounded a little surprised at how active he was. At one point, we watched the baby stretch out his whole thigh, leg, and foot all the way in one giant kick. It was so weird! I half expected the little guy to look like a gummy bear on the screen (even though I've been reading my books so I know what it should look like), but it actually looked like a human.
There's an actual human in there. Can you believe it? I'm still in awe. It was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. I can't wait for our next ultrasound in a few weeks to see him again.
In the above picture, the baby's sort of lounging on his back with his head towards the left and a little hand up near his face. His legs are curled up, sort of like a rabbit and you can see his cute little feet there in the upper right portion.
In this picture I think he's sort of mid-kick. I think it's cute because you can see the profile of his cute little face. Does he look like me or Chris?
In other news, did you notice the name printed at the top of the ultrasound pictures? It says Spender, Annalisa. Fittingly ironic, don't you think?
**I keep calling the baby a "he" because I have a feeling it's a boy. Chris calls the baby a "she" because he has a feeling it's a girl. But we don't actually know for a few more weeks.
There's an actual human in there. Can you believe it? I'm still in awe. It was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. I can't wait for our next ultrasound in a few weeks to see him again.

In other news, did you notice the name printed at the top of the ultrasound pictures? It says Spender, Annalisa. Fittingly ironic, don't you think?
**I keep calling the baby a "he" because I have a feeling it's a boy. Chris calls the baby a "she" because he has a feeling it's a girl. But we don't actually know for a few more weeks.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Pregnant Rants and Raves
I spent so much time whining and moaning about how sad my life was because my doctor doesn't routinely do an ultrasound at 12 weeks (and how in the world would I know anything is actually in there unless they showed it to me?) that I ended up getting what I wished for when they thought they found a complication at our appointment on Tuesday. Turns out everything is fine, and I have some oh-so-adorable ultrasound pics coming soon, but for heaven's sake -- I could have done without that worry for 24 hours while we waited for the ultrasound.
Karma: 1. Annalisa: 0.
I arrived at my 12 week appointment and the receptionist informed me they'd contacted my insurance since the last time I was there, and come up with the total balance I would owe for the course of my prenatal care and delivery. She held up the paper for me to see and said, "The total balance you owe is $0 dollars." Whaaaat? I did a double take, and then mumbled, "" All she had to say was, "Yeah, wow is right."
On our way to the checkup room, the nurse weighs me and informs me that I've lost 3 pounds.
Well, what did you expect? I told you I was sick when I came in at 7 weeks, and you patted me on the back and told me it was normal, and that every other pregnant woman was as sick as I was.
I only thought this, I didn't actually say it to her...because that would make me a rude pregnant woman, heaven forbid. (And I'm sure I'll get there, just gimme a little time.) So the doctor writes me a prescription for Zofran for my morning/all-day sickness. At 12 weeks.
Well, gee. Ya think this would have been useful 5 weeks ago when I told you I was sick in the first place? Gaaaaaaah!
When the doctor wrote me the Zofran prescription, she told me it was sort of expensive. So she wrote me up for 10 pills that are to be cut in half, which equals 20 doses. When I filled the prescription, the total before insurance was $268. The total after? $10.
I love my insurance enough to marry it right now. Sorry, Chris.
I spent so much time whining and moaning about how sad my life was because my doctor doesn't routinely do an ultrasound at 12 weeks (and how in the world would I know anything is actually in there unless they showed it to me?) that I ended up getting what I wished for when they thought they found a complication at our appointment on Tuesday. Turns out everything is fine, and I have some oh-so-adorable ultrasound pics coming soon, but for heaven's sake -- I could have done without that worry for 24 hours while we waited for the ultrasound.
Karma: 1. Annalisa: 0.
I arrived at my 12 week appointment and the receptionist informed me they'd contacted my insurance since the last time I was there, and come up with the total balance I would owe for the course of my prenatal care and delivery. She held up the paper for me to see and said, "The total balance you owe is $0 dollars." Whaaaat? I did a double take, and then mumbled, "" All she had to say was, "Yeah, wow is right."
On our way to the checkup room, the nurse weighs me and informs me that I've lost 3 pounds.
Well, what did you expect? I told you I was sick when I came in at 7 weeks, and you patted me on the back and told me it was normal, and that every other pregnant woman was as sick as I was.
I only thought this, I didn't actually say it to her...because that would make me a rude pregnant woman, heaven forbid. (And I'm sure I'll get there, just gimme a little time.) So the doctor writes me a prescription for Zofran for my morning/all-day sickness. At 12 weeks.
Well, gee. Ya think this would have been useful 5 weeks ago when I told you I was sick in the first place? Gaaaaaaah!
When the doctor wrote me the Zofran prescription, she told me it was sort of expensive. So she wrote me up for 10 pills that are to be cut in half, which equals 20 doses. When I filled the prescription, the total before insurance was $268. The total after? $10.
I love my insurance enough to marry it right now. Sorry, Chris.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Here is further proof that I am, in fact, pregnant.
This is what I ate for lunch today.
This is what I ate for lunch today.

That can't be good for you.
That can't be good for you.
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