Monday, January 18, 2010


Okay, so I'm a little slow posting resolutions for this year. But better late than never.

Here are the resolutions I made for 2009. These four things were written on a sticky note and stuck to my file cabinet at work where I could see them every day. I did pretty well until I realized that one of them sort of contradicted two of the others, ha ha!
  • Go to the gym 3x per week -- I did great on this until the morning sickness hit, and then again when the doctor's orders to rest hit.
  • Make weekly meal plans -- I did pretty well on this until the morning sickness hit, at which point I couldn't even open a refrigerator, let alone cook a meal. Chris survived on hot pockets and frozen pizza for who-knows-how-long last year.
  • Get down to xxx lbs before I get pregnant -- Check!
  • Get pregnant -- Check!

Here are my resolutions for 2010. A lot of these goals just became more difficult with a baby, because my time is not my own anymore. (Chris asked me the other day if I was ever going to cook dinner in something besides the crockpot. I told him yes, as soon as I grow another pair of arms so I can chop things while holding the Bambina.) So I think prioritizing my time will be the key for me to be able to do a lot of these things.
  • Work out 3x per week -- It's hit or miss whether the Bambina will be content in her bouncer long enough for me to do a workout video in the morning. Some days all we get in are 8-Minute-Abs or a few Wii Fit games while she hollers. And who knows if I'll ever see the inside of my lovely gym again?
  • Make weekly meal plans -- If I remember to sit down with my cookbooks before nursing, this shouldn't be too hard. Having room in my shopping cart for groceries after I get the Bambina's carseat in there might be.
  • Learn to bake breads with yeast -- I admit it, I have a phobia. And it's time to face it! My mom is the queen of homemade breads and rolls, so I'm not quite sure how I ended up so backward.
  • Read more books -- I have thoroughly enjoyed nursing so far because it forces me to sit still for 30 minutes a few times a day (and night) and I'm catching up on lots of lost reading. (If anyone has any good book suggestions, let me know!) I've decided to dedicate my morning feeding reading to scripture study. What a perfect way to make sure I fit it in every day!
  • Keep up with couponing and deal-blogging -- It's hard to find time with both arms free with which to deal-blog and cut coupons, but I know if I stop blogging the deals I'll stop shopping the deals. And with me only going back to work part time (scary!), I really want to keep up on it for my own peace of mind.
  • Spend under $100/month on groceries -- In 2009 I averaged $85/month for all groceries and household items. Some months were more, some months were less. I know this will take more effort with a baby than it did last year, but that's my goal for 2010. I'll be chronicling my progress here.
  • Sew more and craft more -- I'd love to get my office clean enough to set up my sewing machine. I've stumbled across lots of crafty sewing tutorials around the blogosphere that I'm dying to try out. Mostly baby things, of course.


Christen E. Krumm said...

have you tried a moby wrap to keep your arms free? my friends swear by them. i just ordered one, so not sure how good it works yet, but i figured it was worth a try!!

as far as good reads... i'm really into the classics, young adult fiction, and the word!! haha!!


Nurse Heidi said...

Katie lived in the moby wrap until she was about 3 months old and then I switched her to the Ergo. I never could have cooked a decent dinner otherwise. I have a homemade knockoff moby if you want to borrow it. And I'm happy to give you a breadmaking lesson any time! I do it all the time, actually and have turned some total yeast-o-phobes into weekly bread makers.

Unknown said...

Nursing is such a great time for reading! The first month, I read a series my sister recommended called The Mortal Instrument series (there are three books). Pretty good, especially for people who love "Twilight" and the I read some LDS romance novels. My sister has them and kept loaning them to me. I also LOVE the "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" series by Rick Riordan. They have a movie coming out next month about the first one.

I'm also working on the exercise thing. It's so hard! I've been doing Pilates at home after I put the little guy down. It's late at night, but it's the only time I have!

Chris and Annalisa said...

So I've tried Emme in the Ergo (with the infant insert), which she seems to like okay, but it's so big in front with the infant insert that I can't see over it to chop food or cook.

I've also tried Emme in a sling I have, but she loves to have her back straight and her legs stretched out, so she hates the sling because it curls her up.

So I'm pretty much at a loss! Will the Moby allow her to keep her legs straight?

Nikki said...

I love your goals, thanks for sharing! If you want book recommendations, check out my blog. I have a link to my book lists the last 2 years, they're right at the top.

Also, PLEASE keep deal-blogging, I love it!

And...I loved my version of the Moby Wrap too! I had a Hoppediz from and did all my shopping with Coen against my chest, allowing more cart room! He still loves to cuddle and fall asleep in that position.

More...I think you know Melissa Campbell...she and I are starting a craft night every month and you should totally come! You can bring Emme with you. We're just bringing whatever we want to get done that night. Our first craft night is this Wednesday, the 27th. Email me for directions if you're interested.

Nikki said...

Okay, I just read about your Moby problem. If you go to, or any other sight that sells baby wraps, it should have directions for a back carry position. It's a little harder to do, but it is so worth figuring out!!!

Amy said...

I've been reading a book that has been very helpful for learning how to make bread: The Breadmaker's Apprentice. Worth every penny!

Good luck with your goals. =)