Monday, June 1, 2009

New Moon

Is everyone else as excited for this as I am?

In other news, my sister-in-law Julie pointed out that my due date is 2 days before this movie opens. Hmmm. He's either coming early or he's coming late, because I have to see this on opening night! Think happy thoughts for me, people.


Melissa Henning said...

uh oh! ::::happy thoughts::::

Your due date will probably change a few times as your baby grows. Mine changed at least 4 times (all w/in the same week) BUT they were 2 weeks early in their predictions (everybody's different though!). They had to induce me @ 42 weeks because Logan just didn't want to come out :). I'm sure you'll be able to watch your movie, but just in case...

:::happy thoughts:::
:::happy thoughts:::

:) :)

Nikki said...

That looks so...mouthwatering.

The Whitney's said...

ahhh man, i hate it when you get a paper cut and a vampire attacks you, that's the worst!!! :) Jer

Seth and Sarah said...

Thank you so much for posting that video for New Moon! I didn't know there was a trailer available! And the answer is yes....I'm probably as excited as you are to see it!