Friday, October 30, 2009

Hand Sanitizer & The Swine Flu

Apparently there has been a shortage of hand sanitizer on store shelves lately. I thought this was due to the swine flu panic, but I was wrong...

...It is apparently due to the fact that my company has bought them all and is hording them in our supply closet shelf. Go figure.

In other news, I got the H1N1 vaccine last Saturday. I had heard they were doing vaccinations at 4 public health clinics in Salt Lake, starting at 7am, with the high-risk groups being eligible. (Pregnant women are considered high-risk.)

My doctor had advised me to get one if at all possible, and I felt like this might be my last chance to get it before the Bambina arrives. So I woke up at 3:30 AM, showered, and got to the clinic by 5:00 AM. I plopped my camp chair and snacks down on the sidewalk behind the 60 people already ahead of me, and crocheted one of the Bambina's blankets while I waited for go-time.

Everything was organized very well, the vaccinations went really fast, and I was shooed out the side door as a vaccinated woman by 7:30 AM. I almost felt guilty as I walked to my car past people still waiting in a line that zig-zagged around the entire building, parking lot, and down the street. As the police directed me out of the parking lot in the opposite direction, I began to cry as I realized how long the line actually was. It stretched from the clinic on 3600 south all the way to 3900 south. I felt desperation for the families with children standing in the back of the line in the freezing cold, who were sure to be turned away by the thousands.

I also felt gratitude for a mother who taught me how to go after something whole-heartedly if it's something worth having. I may never have needed the H1N1 vaccine, but I feel better now knowing I did everything in my power to protect this little Bambina when she comes into this world.


Melissa Henning said...

I hear you with the H1N1 vaccine. I'm really glad and feel relieved that you got one. I had to get it at work, because I work with H1N1 patients (guaranteed to have one each week that I work). I got the "mist" which isn't a mist at all. It's a syringe that they put in your nose, and literally squirt liquid into each nostril. They tell you don't sniff or blow your nose for 5 minutes, which was a task in itself, because it was NASTY tasting and how do you not sniffle when something is literally dripping down the back of your throat? (too graphic--sorry). You gotta look out for yourself and your bambina. It's such a blessing that you were able to get one. My heart goes out to all of those families that wait in those lines for hours. I hope that they eventually come up with enough for everyone that wants/needs it.

Ally said...

I'm so glad you left a comment so I could come a read your blog - I read the whole thing from the beginning. It's a sickness. I am so excited for you and Chris about the new baby on the way. I can't wait to hear all about it. I'm sorry I went to SWE without you. There's always next year. It's in Orlando :)