Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Party, Party, Party

On Sunday we had birthday celebrations with the Spencer family for Chris's sister Stacey and I, who have the same birthday. Aunt Lynne even found special New Moon napkins just for the event! They were so cool I told Chris he wasn't allowed to wipe anything on his because I was saving it.

Remember Old Blue? I got a pink replacement for my birthday! The new nano's have video cameras on them now. How cool is that? I also got an awesome New Moon cup (filled with chocolate, of course). I think the Spencer family is trying to make me feel better about missing the premiere on the 20th!

On Monday we had a birthday celebration with the Pace family, which wouldn't be complete without goofy pictures behind the cake. :)


Ali said...

Happy Birthday!!!

New Moon napkins, nice! I'm excited for you to meet your baby girl soon.

The Whitney's said...

Oh Crap!! I'm a bad friend. Happy Birthday. Jer

Melissa Henning said...

omg! Happy belated birthday. I'm just getting around to reading my favorite blogs. Sorry this is late!

Hope you had a blast!
