Saturday, June 5, 2010

Date Night 2

Last Saturday after our fun swim party, Chris's sister Charity was nice enough to watch Emme for us while we went on a date. She even volunteered on her own! What a saint. This was only our second date night alone since Emme was born!

{Freedom! Our first few moments of baby-less-ness.}

On our first date night we saw a movie and then ended up rushing home to eat dinner, and we didn't get a chance to really talk. Isn't that really the whole point of a date? So I decreed no movies this time. Instead, we decided to go to dinner & to Cabela's to spend a gift card that we had gotten for our wedding (four years ago!). Plus I'd never been there before, so we made a date of it.

I decided Cabela's is sort of a bizarre place. It's like they can't decide if they're a superstore or a redneck museum. What the heck?

Out of all the stuff outdoorsy, campy things they carry at Cabela's that are right up Chris's alley, we ended up buying clothes and candy with our giftcard. Just seems wrong, doesn't it? (But hey, dessert is dessert.)

After Cabela's we went to dinner at Wingers. Mmm-mmm! Love their chicken. It was so nice to eat dinner without tiny little grabby fingers all over my plate.

{Don't worry, I skipped the spicy salsa. Just in case you were wondering.}

Thanks again, Charity (& Wade & Hannah & Logan & Pat)!


The Whitney's said...

What a fun Date and I'm happy you bought candy with your gift card!

mpace said...

Dude, remember that one time I volunteered to watch Emme?.....just wanted to make sure you remember...